Body Image Confidence

In today’s society, body image affects every aspect of one’s sexuality. Studies suggest that concerns over everything from the size and shape of genitals to body size and wrinkles interfere with one’s ability to enjoy sex. And unfortunately, we have been conditioned by society to believe their nearly unattainable definition of external beauty.

The truth is, you are not your body. There is an invisible essence below the body’s surface that orchestrates who you are. Some call it soul or spirit. It is the reason you need a body.

The body is like your car, it is only the outer shell…your soul is the driver.

And does it really matter what the car looks like? Or does it matter that it takes you where we want to go.

Yes, it is prudent to upkeep your vehicle…. you can make the choice to ignore it and let it break down or do preventative measures to keep it working well. In order for your car to function properly, you need to drive it; in order for you to function sexually over a lifetime, you need to engage in regular sexual activity.

Similar to our unique body types, makes and models of cars are all different, but what they have in common is that they take you where you want to go. It is all about confidence—The confidence in your car’s ability to get you from point A to point B is analogous to the confidence that you have in your body’s ability to provide pleasure.

How to move past body image issues

  • Look at your body daily and find at least one thing you like about it.
  • Focus on the function and pleasure of your body.
  • If something about your body demands attention, make changes with the intention of well-being in mind.
  • Let go of spectatoring (seeing yourself as you think others see you). Feel your inner essence and be present to what is happening here and now.
  • Start looking at others as if they had no body…. just experience their spirit, knowing that it is pure love. Then practice looking at yourself that way also. Soon, you will see your beauty manifest.

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